My values

I believe in a world where we are all able to live our own one unique and beautiful life in all of its fullest colour.

My core values are incredibly important to me and sit at the heart of everything I do. I am always aiming to reflect them in how I work, what I offer and how I communicate.


I am a naturally curious and inquisitive human and love to listen and observe. Uncovering detail, discovering differences, and gaining new awareness and understanding of what’s going on with people motivates me and keeps me growing and learning. I am turned on by solving problems, taking on challenges and simplifying and articulating anything complex.


I am genuine. I mean what I say and I say what I mean (except when my words get muddled, but that’s another story!). I love the dictionary definition of sincerity:

‘the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy.’

I aim for as much openness, honesty and transparency as possible and believe in the power of truth. I’m known for being pretty direct - with kindness - and appreciate candidness in others. Being calm, clear, and concise feel like my ever-present goals.


I believe in taking ownership and responsibility for my actions and communications. I fundamentally believe all great leaders need these qualities. I get fired up by anything that needs action based on proactive thorough, detailed planning and prioritisation. 

The big ambitions and aspirations I have for myself, my people and the world keep me going and give me the drive to show up everyday.


I am continuously working to understand the impact of my actions and communications and reduce any potential harm I may cause others, no matter my intentions. Beyond this (which I feel is the least we should all be doing), building connection and community are vital to me, which also means helping people who could otherwise feel lost or excluded to feel part of something. 

This also means I aim to be flexible to meet people’s needs and will adapt my approach to help people feel comfortable and at ease (while staying true to my values). Mutual respect and appreciation are essential to me in all things.

I am working on ensuring my work, services and offerings are accessible. I use the tools available and refer to experts to stay on top of people’s needs, as well as proactively asking my people about their needs. I use Plain English, avoiding or explaining (where absolutely needed) any jargon.


Freedom of expression, self expression, creative expression - these things feel like the why behind my why. What is this all about if not to bring joy, to have fun, and to inspire? I would never understand someone who didn’t want to see more beauty in the world. Expression enriches our life experience. It compels and engages us; it is belief and recognition.

I have worked hard to be the courageous, brave, bold, and audacious woman I am today. I will never again leave myself at the office door -  you get all of me, which includes my playful, flirty, ever-winking energy.