Get strategic with legendary communications support

Good stuff for you if you are a creative freelancer, solo-entrepreneur, practitioner, or small business owner.

I could help you clearly and confidently communicate and connect if…

  • You want your communications to reflect the beliefs that sit at the heart of what you do, why you do it and all you’re aiming for - no matter the size of your dreams.

  • You want to clearly communicate about the work you do and how it can make a difference for people.

  • You want people to seek you out as the ‘go to’ and for them to feel engaged each and every time you connect.

  • You want to connect with people in ways that work and that support you in showing up consistently, playing to your strengths and making it easeful and fun.

  • You want to be intentional with your communications and connections and feel what you’re doing is making a difference and taking you where you want to be.

  • You want to feel comfortable and confident creating all that connection goodness without having to leave your personality and character behind.

Get clear, feel confident, create awesome connection.


Legendary learning

Pick and mix the bits you need from the Comms Legend Framework for self-paced, concise, snappy learning to help you get strategic with your communications.

My legendary learnings are a combination of video, workbook and action plan, and come with added bonus support direct from me in my client-only Facebook group.


The Comms Legend Audit

My “do it yourself” communication audit helps you figure out what you’re actually doing at the mo’ to communicate and connect with people, where you may have gaps, what you could do to fill them, and why it all matters.

The “do it yourself” Comms Legend Audit is coming soon…


One-to-one strategy, mentoring and training

Work through any (or all) of my framework with my personal support, or get my help with specific communication or connection challenges, through…

Going deep with a bespoke 3 - 6 month communication package.

Getting some afternoon (or morning) communication delight during a half day with me.

If it’s quickie communication action you’re after then book in for a 90 minute session.

“Laura, thank you so much for listening to me and supporting me. I have to say, getting it all off my chest, out of my head, and into some structure really helped. It has been a pleasure working with you. You truly are a Comms Legend. 🧡”


Looking for something else?

Do you have a specific communication challenge you need a bit of help figuring out?

I’m always happy to chat about how I may be able to offer you some bespoke support to get clear and connect.