About me

How Laura Leigh Chapman became the Comms Legend

Without creativity I don’t know who I’d be

Whether it was the short stories I used to write in my bedroom, the plays I put together with my cousins, or the hours I spent drawing clothes, singing in choirs, playing the piano (badly), and always putting on a show, creativity feels like the beating heart of my life. It’s what always interested and engaged me the most at school - I was the kid who somehow managed to get out of science lessons by hanging out in the music hut.

Finding freedom - and myself - in my business

My love of creativity and connecting with people in lots of different ways is one of the things that took me to Performing Arts College in Bristol, UK after school, training in acting, writing, directing and producing. It’s also what led me to spend my late teens and early twenties volunteering as part of the core team at the then newly established Cube Microplex. And on to front of house jobs in concert halls and at the Bristol Old Vic theatre and for a time, being Bristol’s favourite door person at many a gig, concert, event, cinema and theatre.

Being in those creative environments helps foster an understanding of the power of your voice; of being clear, of listening as well as being heard. They also help the relationship you develop with yourself - your self awareness, courage and confidence. They helped make me who I am.

Laura, a plus size white woman with long brown hair and blue eyes, wearing berry coloured lipstick and nail varnish; her chin is resting on her hand and she's smiling at you with a knowing look.

An ‘accidentally on purpose’ communication career

When, in 2005, I pretty much fell into a full-time job working in corporate internal communications in an insurance company, I definitely didn’t think it would set me on a path that would determine the rest of my career and in many ways, my life. Although insurance wasn’t for me in the long-term, I’m incredibly grateful to many folk in those early years; people who believed in personal and professional development, investing in thorough training and providing huge amounts of mentoring and coaching support.

I found a great deal of purpose in internal communication - communication for employees. Throughout my career I’ve worked to improve the experience for people on the receiving end of any message and to do all I can to ensure communication is delivered in the most sensitive, respectful and well thought out way possible. That’s why I spent over 15 years specialising in communicating change, tackling some incredibly complex and often quite tough messages, including large scale redundancies, office moves and business closures.

In my employed life in corporate comms, I worked in the private and public sector and through an agency as a contractor, and have been around various industries - banking, the environment, manufacturing, engineering, education, and a great deal of time in the arts and media.

In 2017, I decided to go solo and started my own business. Initially, I was providing communication support for large scale change programmes in the media industry, before branching out into different types of communication consultancy, including communication reviews and audits, working with teams to create communication strategies and training and mentoring leaders to help improve their communication.

In early 2020, before any of us knew what was coming round the corner, I started dipping a toe into the world of small and online creative business, looking at how I could take all my experience, knowledge and skill from the big business world and use it to benefit solo entrepreneurs, small businesses and folk in my local community. 

After much experimentation, some incredible experiences and huge learning along the way, I’ve landed here today with a business I love, branded the Comms Legend by my clients and getting to support many different types of creative folk in the arts, culture and media in businesses small, medium and large.

I combine mentoring, training and strategy to support people with every element of communication and messaging from the roots up, whether that’s values, purpose and vision-setting, creating your foundational messages and transformation story, figuring out who you’re communicating with and how, or showing up with confidence as your perfectly, imperfect self.

I’ve had the honour to work with some fabulous big businesses like ITV and Netflix, awesome creatives and organisations local to me in Bristol, like Upfest, Insane Root, Paul “Monsters” Roberts, Spark Films and Circus Antics Entertainment, and a whole range of incredible online small businesses including copywriters, mentors, makers, artists and all sorts of creative folk in between.

“What joy it is that I get to say this is my job.”

A little slice of who I am

I’m a warm, heart-filled, caring human who loves making people feel good about themselves in any way I can. I can bring the fun and be bubbly and bright, but can just as easily slip into calm, reflective focus. I am equally easy to move to tears as I am to the deepest, can’t-stop-laughing hysterics. I thrive on debating and absorbing; speaking with passion and listening with empathy. I am approachable, considerate, thoughtful (in every sense - sometimes too much thinking!) and compassionate. I’m continuously working on my tendencies towards wanting to be in control and feeling the need to do everything myself. I am a ‘16 personalities’ INFJ (for those that indulge in such things). 

My family and closest friends are at the heart of me and I am a fierce lioness in my loyalty to them. I value culture and community and am always happiest dancing outdoors to live music, sitting in a dark theatre or cinema, at a gallery party or the latest local event. Shopping, eating, drinking and being merry in support of small, local businesses is joy to me. I find inspiration and creativity in the buzziest of cafes or in the peaceful solitude of my home office (spare room).

Laura, a plus size white woman with brown hair and blue eyes is lifting her pink rimmed sunglasses as the sun shines on her face.

I believe in sharing the lows as well as the highs. So, I’ll always aim to be as open about my mistakes, failures, and tough times as I am about my successes, celebrations, and joys. I mix the fun with the business, sales, and more serious stuff; sharing insights into my life and lifestyle; plus size style, local culture (generally Bristol and the UK), connections, advocacy and lifting up others, plus lots of flirtation!

You’ll also hopefully see me reflected in my visual brand - consistent and clean design with warmth and a little bit of show. My messaging and communications are grounded in my values and I would hope are always a reflection of the heart and soul at the centre of my business - the full, unique me.

I am working to change the way we think, feel and talk about communication, messaging and brand in the creative world. My big dream is for this to help change how we connect with ourselves and others.

Things that make me smile

I’m properly into big hugs (with the right people), deep conversation, strong cocktails, a bright lip, heavy-hitting stories, trainers and dresses, adrenalin filled moments of sporting mastery, learning about people’s lives, dancing in pubs to jukeboxes, eating out (or in), and ears.

Things that make me frown

I’m really not down with crumbs or clutter, disingenuous people and fakery, custard, walking down steep hills, tea (I know, I know), many reality shows, parallel parking, diet culture and anti-fat bias, people ‘explaining’ to me how to do things when I already know how to do them, and goodbyes.

A bit about who you might be

I work with creative people and organisations in the arts, culture, entertainment, and media. You or your organisation could be involved in art, music, dance, theatre, film, television, performance of any kind, literature, photography, museums, events, or any other aspect of the world of the creative. 

You’re a creative freelancer, solo-entrepreneur, practitioner, or small business owner, who’s just starting out, in the middle of it all, or with all the years under your belt.


You work in a medium or large business as a leader or manager, or within a project team, or you're a Comms professional working within a creative business.

To work together, it’s vital to me that you’re down with and can align to my values. If you’re on board with those, please just consider that…

We might be right for each other if…

  • You believe in the freedom to bring your full personality and character to your work.

  • Your work is driven by a bigger purpose that is at the heart of all you do.

  • You care about the people you connect and interact with.

  • You’re willing to put in as much as you take out - of your interactions and your relationships and of the world.

We’re probably not right for each other if…

  • You don’t care about the people on the other side of your interactions.

  • You want things to work like magic and not take action.

  • You’re closed-minded or don’t respect differences.

  • You’re not interested in expanding your awareness or understanding of others.

Does my work have to be based in arts, culture, entertainment, and media to work with or buy from you?

No, not necessarily. As long as you can align with the general principles above, and you’re onboard with my values, then I’ll be very open to working with you. And my Legendary Learnings are very much available for anyone to buy. I talk about creative folk and organisations in arts, culture, entertainment, and media because it’s where my background gives me unique insight and experience. I’ve been employed by and worked with people in many different sectors and industries and everything in my Comms Legend framework is easily transferable.

Other things you should know before we work together

Please know I have immense respect for my body in all it does for me and all its flaws and limitations. It has seen, done and survived so, so much. I will see you and respect wherever you may be in your own feelings about your body, but would always ask you to respect my position and leave any anti-fat bias or diet culture out of our conversation.

I have my arms wide open. It’s at my very core. So I won’t tolerate homophobic, racist, sexist, ableist comments and views. It’s okay to be learning, it’s okay to make mistakes, but for me it’s never okay to purposefully make comments or express views that may harm others. My belief in people being able to freely live their fullest lives without fear or retribution is one of the most fundamental aspects of who I am. I cannot ever express that strongly enough.

I make efforts to check my privilege, but I’m always learning. If I say or do something that doesn’t sit well, please tell me, I will always want to listen.